Organizational and Performance

Marketing and Messaging

Business Development

Sales Development

Customer Service and Support

Sales Development
Opportunity Management

Opportunity Management is a strategic planning process that analyzes each business opportunity identifying what you know, what you don't know, and the development of a sales strategy that defines what must be done to improve you chances of success for every sales opportunity.  This program is delivered using Miller Heiman's Strategic Selling® process.


Effective Strategy Execution

Effective Strategy Execution is a series of workshops designed to ensure the effective tactical execution of your developed sales strategy.  These programs are based on the reality that an excellent strategy poorly executed produces mediocre results.  This program is delivered using either Personal Sales EffectivenessSM, Positioning a Services SaleSM or D.E.M.O Techniques® from InfoMentis, depending on which is appropriate for your sales organization.


Successful Call Planning

Successful Call Planning is a process used to prepare for sales calls and is designed to obtain measurable results through client commitment from every sales encounter.  This is the only sales learning program available that teaches professionals how to sell from the customer's point of view.  This program is delivered using Miller Heiman's Conceptual Selling® process.


Making Telesales Work

Making Telesales Work teaches the unique skills required to be successful in telesales.  This program is designed to service and support existing customers as well as generate new sales from both prospects and existing customers.  Making Telesales Work is focused on improving the business development success of inside sales, customer service and customer support organizations.


Selling Fundamentals

Selling FundamentalsSM is an e-learning program designed to provide basic selling skills to individuals new to the sales profession.  The program concentrates on evaluating and prioritizing opportunities and managing customer interactions.  It can improve your sales organization's ability to efficiently manage their sales opportunities and gain customer commitment to achieve sales objectives.  Selling Fundamentals can increase revenue by targeting customers with the greatest potential for success, building relationships and obtaining buy-in from the various individuals who can influence closing the sale.  This program is offered through Miller Heiman's e-learning library. 


Effective Selling Skills

Effective Selling Skills is a series of programs that focus on how to uncover key information needed to build a strong solution for your prospects and customers; how to overcome objections and turn them into selling opportunities and potential competitive advantage; and techniques for communicating the competitive advantages of your solution to a prospective customer in a meaningful way that will be remembered when the purchase decision is made.  These skills are developed using the Discovery TechniquesSM, Objection TechniquesSM and Competitive TechniquesSM programs from InfoMentis.  These programs may be conducted individually or combined -- based on the needs of your sales organization.


Presentation Power

Presentation Power examines all the essentials of effectively managing the presentation environment and delivering a compelling and entertaining presentation.  This program will provide you with the tools and training to leave your prospect with a positive impression of you and a strong inclination to buy your solution.  This program is offered using the Presentation PowerSM program from InfoMentis.